The Home Response service is provided by South East Security and Safety, a local service in your area with a dedicated response time which will ensure a trained, first responder can be with you promptly 24 hours a day. You will no longer need to worry about disturbing your family or friends in the middle of the night as help is now just literally the touch of a button away. Home Response gives you access to fully trained responder when you need it most and in the comfort of your own home. For people who have the Emergency Response unit or pendant, when you press the button, the Emergency Response Call Centre receives the call and determines the level of assistance required. This can range from having a brief chat to something more serious which requires contacting one of your named contacts.
How to sign up
To avail of this service all you need to do is:
- Be an existing Emergency Response Customer OR become an Emergency Response Customer.
- Phone Emergency Response on 1850 247 999 to organise (or visit their website here).
- Emergency Response will arrange that South East Security & Safety will contact you to make an appointment and visit you to discuss the service and access your residence.
Less than €3 Per Week
Home Response offers you the above benefits all for less than €2.88 per week.
If you feel that this service may be of interest then please feel free to contact us on 1850 247 999 and we will discuss in more detail with you.
Home Response gives you access to fully trained responder when you need it most and in the comfort of your own home.
Guaranteed 24hr Assistance
- South East Security & Safety can act as the named contact to provide you with the following service
- Guaranteed assistance 24 hours a day from trained South East Security & Safety professionals.
- No inconvenience for family or friends or in the event that family and friends are some distance away.
- A South East Security & Safety professional will visit with you to give advice on this service before it starts, as well as other entitlements and local services.